Public Record Requests
The SPCSA provides access to public records pursuant to Nevada’s Public Records Act (Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 239). All public records, the contents of which are not otherwise declared by law to be confidential, shall be open for inspection or to obtain copies. A request for data is NOT a public records request and the SPCSA is not required to organize data to create a record that doesn’t exist at the time of the request. A request should be for an identifiable record and will be handled as expeditiously as possible. However, some public records may not be disclosed under various circumstances, or may be disclosed at the discretion of the agency.
All requests to inspect and/or obtain copies of public records should be submitted to the SPCSA’s Public Records Officer. Within 5 business days of receiving a public records request, the SPCSA’s Public Records Officer will respond in accordance with Nevada law. The form that can be used to submit the request is the Public Records Request Form which is linked below.
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