Nevada State Public Charter School Authority Complaint Process


When a parent, legal guardian, student, an employee of a charter school or community member reaches out to the Nevada State Public Charter School Authority (“SPCSA”) with a complaint, concern or allegation, the SPCSA’s primary goals are to ensure that the charter school: 

  • addresses complaints, concerns and allegations that are directed to the school, including providing appropriate responses
  • follows its charter and charter agreement; and
  • has not violated any applicable laws

The tables below provide information regarding when a member of the public should direct their complaint, concern, allegation to the charter school versus the State Public Charter School Authority. 

Charter School Level Complaint

Contact the charter school for issues related to:

  • School policies
  • Enrollment
  • Lottery
  • Class assignments
  • Grades
  • Assessment
  • Promotion and retention
  • Discipline
  • Staff
  • Student Programs
  • School events

SPCSA Level Complaint

  • Charter contract violations 
  • Violation of law/regulation related to the management or operation of the charter school  
  • Health and safety, civil rights  
  • English Language Learners and Special Education programs  
  • Criminal activity  
  • Lack of response to the complaint you submitted directly to the school in a reasonable time period

Charter School Level Complaint Process 

Complainants should use the charter school’s complaint policy outlined in the charter school’s Parent and Student Handbook to issue their informal/formal complaint, concern or allegation directly to the charter school per issues outlined in table 1.1 above.

SPCSA Level Complaint Process per NRS 388A.395 – 388A.3975 

If the charter school does not satisfactorily address your charter school level complaint, concern, or allegation, then, in accordance with NRS 388A.3955, a parent, legal guardian, pupil who is at least 18 years of age, an employee of a charter school or community member may direct their complaint, concern or allegation to the SPCSA per issues outlined in table 1.2 above. To initiate the SPCSA complaint process, submit your issue through our complaint management system. Once the complaint, concern, or allegation is received a SPCSA staff member will review your submission and may contact the complainant to ask questions surrounding your complaint, concern, or allegation. SPCSA will provide communication to the complainant during and after the issue has been investigated and/or closed.


If this is an issue that involves potential criminal activity, please contact your local law enforcement agency to report this matter. After reporting this to law enforcement, you may return to our system to share your complaint.


Submit a Complaint